Hasti Navab

Design, Art مشاغل مهندسی هنر
09192209139 09192209*** نمایش
ظفر پلاک 17

درباره من

From an early age, my passion for artistic, cultural, and sporting activities has driven me to explore diverse avenues of self-expression. As a child, I enthusiastically engaged in various creative pursuits, continuously refining my skills and expanding my horizons. This inherent curiosity and drive have remained with me throughout my life.

Upon entering Amirkabir University and becoming a member of the Scientific Association of the Petroleum Faculty, my focus shifted towards engineering. Recognizing the importance of honing my technical abilities, I wholeheartedly immersed myself in the field, actively seeking opportunities to enhance my knowledge and practical skills.

However, my interests extend beyond the realm of engineering. I have also embraced modeling as a professional pursuit. This venture allows me to explore my creativity, showcase my unique style, and engage with diverse individuals in the fashion industry.

By combining my engineering acumen with my passion for artistic expression, I strive to bring innovative and sustainable solutions to the forefront. I believe that the fusion of technical expertise and artistic sensibilities can lead to groundbreaking advancements in various domains.

Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and personal growth, I am committed to pushing boundaries and making a positive impact on the world around me. Whether it’s through engineering, modeling, or any other avenue I explore, I aim to leave a lasting legacy and inspire others to pursue their passions with unwavering dedication.


دانشگاه صنعتی امیر کبیر 1398_1402

مهندسی نفت

رنک 3 (ارشد مستقیم) مقطع لیسانس دانشکده نفت دانشگاه صنعتی امیرکبیر با معدل 17.87

دانشگاه صنعتی امیر کبیر 1402

مهندسی نفت _ حفاری

ورود به ارشد بدون آزمون (دانشجوی ممتاز) در حال حاصر مشغول به تحصیل

کار و تجربه

شرکت نفت و گاز همراه پوشش

پشتیبان عملیات حفاری و گرافیست

مشغول به فعالیت در شرکت نفت و گاز همراه پوشش به صورت تمام وقت

شرکت حفاری استوان کیش

کارآموز واحد مهندسی و بازرسی فنی

فراگیری برنامه اینونتور، انجام طراحی تجهیزات و لوگو شرکت، تهیه و نوشتن پارت لیست ها و…

شرکت نفت فلات قاره ایران

کارشناس مهندسی حفار

کارشناس مهندسی حفاری در پروژه افزایش برداشت میدان الوند به کارفرمایی شرکت نفت فالت قاره ایران در کار گروه مهندسی حفاری و ژئو مکانیک گذراندن دوره اکسل و DDR خوانی.

شرکت خدمات مهندسی پژواک انرژی

کارآموز واحد سیستم ها و روش ها

فراگیری برنامه اکسل، تعیین و تبیین فلوچارت ها و گذراندن دوره های متعدد هر 4تا گرایش های حفاری، بهره برداری، اکتشاف و مخزن نفت

Khaneh Sib School

Pottery Teacher

Beginning to teach pottery to young children at Khaneh Sib School in Tehran, Iran

Dana Online School

Art Teacher

Online and offline art teacher in Dana Online School in Tehran, Iran

Termeh Ceramic Studio

Ceramic Painter

Beginning of ceramic painting in Termeh Ceramic Studio, Farsad brand in Tehran, Iran

Personal Studio

Artist and Art Teacher

Opening a personal studio and starting to teach all techniques of painting and all kinds of handicrafts in Tehran, Iran

Acrylic Workshop


Invitation to the first exhibition of the achievements of schools and non-governmental centers and related educational industries and acrylic workshop in Tehran, Iran

Daneshjoo Complex

Teacher of the Spaghetti Structure Competitions

Teacher of the spaghetti structure workshop and competitions of the Daneshjoo Complex in Tehran, Iran

Daneshjoo Complex

Broken Tile Workshop

Holding a broken tile workshop at the Daneshjoo Complex in Tehran, Iran


Ambassador of Organ Donation

Passing the course and receiving the certificate of Iranian Ambassador of Organ Donation (IrSOD) and start working in the title of Ambassador of Organ Donation

A Hospital

Artist, Art therapist

Instructor of the Color Festival (fabric printing workshop) in the department of the Cancer Institute of Imam Khomeini Hospital

A Hospital

Artist, Art therapist

Beginning of cooperation with the Shams charity in the Department of Radiotherapy of Imam Khomeini Hospital until today in the Department of Art Therapy

Gorgan NGO Library

Artist, Painter

Implementation of the project "Peace" in Gorgan NGO Library for children who are excluded from education

Daneshjoo high school


Holding a group charity exhibition with the theme of visual artworks and paintings in the convention hall of the Daneshjoo high school

نمونه کارها

مهارت ها

Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Visio
Autodesk Inventor

جوایز و مدارک


Study and Review of Waste Management Technologies in Drilling Operations for Reducing Environmental Pollutants

Third National Conference on Green Waste Management نوشتن مقاله برای کنفرانس ذکر شده و به چاپ رسیده در سیویلیکا

Physical and Virtual Group Exhibition of NFT Artworks by Defier at Doost Art Gallery

Participation in the physical and virtual group exhibition of NFT artworks by Defier at Doost Art Gallery, coinciding with the anniversary of Bitcoin's birth in Tehran, Iran

Group Exhibition of Iranian Pomegranate Visual Arts at Azadi Tower Gallery Cafe

Participation in the group exhibition of Iranian pomegranate visual arts on the occasion of Yalda night at Azadi Tower Gallery Cafe and receiving the statue of the best artist inTehran, Iran

Publication of Three of My Paintings in the Book "Woman, Life, Freedom"

Publication of three of my paintings in the book "Woman, Life, Freedom" was published by the Iran-Munich House and supported by Stornous Publications.

Group Exhibition of Visual Arts and Handicrafts Titled "Small Frames"

Participating in a group exhibition of visual arts and handicrafts titled "Small Frames" in Melbourne, Australia

Group Art Exhibition of the Didi Cultural and Artistic Complex in Mahmood Abad

Participating in the group art exhibition of the Didi Cultural and Artistic Complex for three months in Mahmood Abad, Iran

Online Group Exibition of Visual Artworks And Crafts of Friend Hair Dynasty in Mexico and Netherlands

Participating in Online Group Exibition of Visual Artworks And Crafts of Friend Hair Dynasty from Bloom Art Society in Mexico and Netherlands

Online Group Exibition of Visual Artworks And Crafts of Friend Hair Dynasty in Mexico and Netherlands

Three of my paintings were selected for the virtual gallery of the Ideal of Peace of Iran's UNESCO National Commission in Tehran, Iran

Group Art Exhibition "Woman, Life, Freedom"

Participating in the group exhibition "Woman, Life, Freedom" hosted by the Iran-Munich Cultural Association

The First Painting Festival, "Human Rights in Shadow," in Rasht

Attending the first painting festival, "Human Rights in Shadow," organized by the Association for the Defense of Victims of Terrorism and the Art Center for Truth at Marlik Gallery in Rasht, Iran

Second Edition of the Book “The Ideal of Peace”

Publication of one of my paintings in the second edition of the book “The Ideal of Peace” and registered in the National Library in Tehran, Iran

The First Painting Festival, "Human Rights in Shadow," in Tehran

Attending the first painting festival, "Human Rights in Shadow," organized by the Association for the Defense of Victims of Terrorism and the Art Center for Truth. I was honored to win fourth place in the competition in Tehran, Iran

Climax Painting Competition At Los Angeles

Winner of the bronze award in painting at Climax, Los Angeles, USA

A Solo Painting Exhibition in Georgia at Avicenna International Community Collage LLC

Holding a solo painting exhibition in Georgia at Avicenna International Community Collage LLC

A Solo Painting Exhibition at The Mah o Mahi Gallery

Holding a solo painting exhibition at the Mah o Mahi gallery in Karaj, Iran

A Solo Painting Exhibition at Artem Gallery In Los Angeles

Holding a solo painting exhibition at Artem Gallery in Los Angeles, USA

First Edition of the Book “The Ideal of Peace”

Publication of two of my paintings in the first edition of the book “The Ideal of Peace” and registered in the National Library in Tehran, Iran

The Second National Call for The Ideal of Peace of ECO and ICOM Cultural Institute Exibition

Participating in the second national call for the ideal of peace of ECO and ICOM Cultural Institute exibition in Tehran, Iran

Photo Festival at Department of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Industry of the City of Tunkabon

Participation in the Photo Festival (My striking haft Sin table) at Department of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and handicrafts Industry of the City of Tunkabon, Iran

The First National Call for The Ideal of Peace of ECO and ICOM Cultural Institute Exibition

Participating in the first national call for the ideal of peace of ECO and ICOM Cultural Institute exibition in Tehran, Iran

4th Annual Nature Painting Exhibition of Rang o Torang Gallery

Participating in the 4th annual nature painting exhibition of Rang o Torang Gallery with two paintings in Tehran, Iran

Yalda Night Celebration of Medolearn Educational Complex

Playing the piano in the Yalda night celebration of Medolearn Educational Complex in Tehran, Iran

Peace of the Earth Festival (UNESCO Chair)

Participating in the Peace of the Earth Festival (UNESCO Chair) in Tehran, Iran

the Ideal of Peace of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts in Mazandaran

Three of my paintings were selected for the call for the Ideal of Peace of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts in Mazandaran, Iran

National Idea Show Festival

Achiving the fourth place at Idea Show Battle in the second National Idea Show Festival of Shahid Beheshti University with the idea of a resistant nanopaper in Tehran, Iran

Pottery and Sculpture Competition

Winning the first place in Tehran district 1 competition in the category of pottery and sculpture in Tehran, Iran

Painting Competition

Winning the first place in Tehran district 1 competition in the category of pencil drawing in Tehran, Iran

Nuclear Waste Management

First National Conference on Green Waste Management نوشتن مقاله برای کنفرانس ذکر شده و به چاپ رسیده در سیویلیکا

Group Painting Exhibition at Atashzad Gallery in Tehran

Participating in a group exhibition with the title of "Man" at Atashzad Gallery in Tehran, Iran

Solo Painting Exhibition At Sodeifi Gallery

Holding a solo exhibition at Sadifi Gallery featuring over 30 works in Tehran, Iran

Pottery and Sculpture Competition

Winning the third place in Tehran province competition in the category of pottery and sculpture in Tehran, Iran

Fractured Tiles Competition

Awarding a certificate of recognition in the area of fractured tiles in Tehran, Iran

Painting Competition

Winning the second place in Tehran district 1 competition in the category of watercolor and ecoline in Tehran, Iran

Pottery and Inscriptions Competition

Winning the second place in Tehran district 1 competition in the category of pottery and inscriptions in Tehran, Iran

Kharazmi Competitions

Competing at the final level of Kharazmi competition in the field of nano with the title of nano-paper in Tehran, Iran

Group Exhibition at Mah o Mahi Gallery in Karaj

Participating in the group exhibition at Mah o Mahi Gallery in Karaj, Iran

Second Round of Milad Tower Peace Festival

Participating in the second period of the Milad Tower Peace Festival in Tehran, Iran

Group Painting Exhibition at Idil Gallery in Istanbul

Participating in a group exhibition at Idil Gallery in Istanbul, Turkey

Fractured Tiles Competition

Winning the third place in Tehran district 1 competition in the category of fractured tiles in Tehran, Iran

Painting Competition

Third place at the competitions of Tehran district 1 in the category of pastel in Tehran, Iran

Second Solo Painting Exhibition

I held my second solo painting exhibition in the conference hall of Adib Farzaneh High School. The exhibition featured over 40 works in Tehran, Iran

Tebyan Competition

Obtaining the first place in the Tebyan competition of Shahid Beheshti University in the field of Nano with the topic of Nano-Paper in Tehran, Iran

World Mathematics Competition

Reaching the final round of the (IMC) World Mathematics Competition

Festival of Vocal and Performing Arts and Capping Verses by Farhangsarai Niavaran

Participation in the festival of vocal and performing arts and capping verses by Farhangsarai Niavaran as a setar player of the music group in Tehran, Iran

ModCup Competition

Winning the first place at the ModCup competition of the University of Science and Technology in the field of Nano with the topic Nanopaper in Tehran, Iran

A Page in the Website of Qalamoo (Specialized in Visual Arts)


First Round of Milad Tower Peace Festival

First place at first round of Milad Tower Peace Festival in Tehran, Iran

Spaghetti Structure Competition

Obtaining the third place in the spaghetti building competition of the 3rd district of Tehran, Iran

Sketching Competitions

The first place in the sketching competitions of the 3rd district of Tehran, Iran

First Solo Painting Exhibition

Holding the first solo painting exhibition with more than 30 works in Tehran, Iran
2015. 2014.2013

Australian Mathematics Competition

Winning the position of the best student at Australian Mathematics Competition sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank

SBC Spaghetti Structure Competition

Participation in the SBC spaghetti structure competition at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, Iran

Damash National Swimming Team

a member of the Damash National Swimming Team in Tehran, Iran

Spaghetti Structure Competition

Winning the first place in the second round of Spaghetti Bridge Competition at Danshjoo Highschool in Tehran, Iran

Persian Gulf Cup robotics competition

Achieving second place in the fifth round of the Persian Gulf Cup robotics competition in Tehran, Iran

Educational Concert of Ney Labak Musical School

Participating in the big educational concert of Ney Labak Musical School in Tehran, Iran

Swimming Competition

Obtaining the fourth place at 3st district of Tehran in swimming competition in Tehran, Iran

Xylophone and Flute Concerts

Participating in many xylophone and flute concerts at Barbad Institute in Tehran, Iran.

Swimming Competition

Winning three medals in kid's swimming course in Tehran, Iran.

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